Artists Hub

Artist Submissions

We respect our artists ability to turn a blank canvas into something exceptional and our team are in awe whenever new artwork arrives from our talented artists.

Helping our artists do what they love, is a big part of The Good Poster Co. Every art print sold supports our passionate artists to do what they love everyday, whilst boosting their artist brand through our website, social and marketplace platforms here in Australia.

Our company provides independent artists and collectives a springboard into the Australian marketplace with a 100% Australia owned and operated company. 

If you are an artist and want to work with us, please contact our curator at

Terms: Submitting your interest in working with The Good Poster Co. may not necessarily result in working with us - our art curator will review your portfolio to discern whether your art aligns with The Good Poster Co. company. We treat every artist submission with professional care and thorough consideration and our curator will respond to you about your submission directly.

Artist Pictured : Alexander Grahovsky painting his iconic oil painting How Far is a Light Year